Tsukemen Banei/Yoyogi
つけめん ばんえい/代々木
Moderate opinion on this ramen shop. Don't confuse it with the Bannai (坂内) chain. Taishoken-style spaghetti-thickness noodles - the omori size wasn't even really all that big, I would recommend getting the extra extra large. Definitely has the standard Taishoken slightly sweet tsukemen taste, however the chashu was a bit thin, both the pieces themselves and the amount that I received in the chashu tsukemen. It filled up quickly at lunchtime though, can't argue with that. Choice of shoyu or wafu broths, stick with shoyu if you decide to go. Make a hard hard left (there are several "lefts") out of the west exit of Yoyogi station, it's about 20 meters down on the left.
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